
How To Treat Chemical Burn From Lash Extensions

How to Treat an Allergy to Eyelash Extension Glue

March 26, 2018 by The Lash Professional.


There are iii things we, equally lash artists, need to be able to do when information technology comes to a client'due south reaction or allergy to eyelash extension glue : treat, minimize, and avoid!

When you get that heart-sinking phone call from a client maxim they are having a reaction, yous are limited in what YOU can exercise for them, then make sure to assess the situation thoroughly so you tin give them the best direction possible!

 Enquire these questions:

  • Are yous experiencing discomfort?
  • Are you lot experiencing irritation/itching around your lash line?
  • Is your lash line swollen?
  • Are you noticing redness around your lash line?

If your client answers "yep" to more than than 2 of these questions, suggest them to go to urgent care and continue in listen that you lot are not a md. Every bit licensed professionals, we know how to treat allergic reaction to eyelash extension glue and can give clients communication to alleviate Balmy discomfort and reactions. In more severe cases, we cannot, notwithstanding, give clients medical advice. In these rare situations, information technology is all-time that they see a medical professional if the discomfort, irritation, redness, and swelling is severe and/or persists more 48 hours.

Treating Reactions to Eyelash Extension Glue

If the symptoms are mild at that place are a few things the client can do:

1. Cold Compress – This is more like a Band-Aid than a treatment merely it certain will feel good if the client is feeling discomfort. They may even want to pair a cold shrink (ice pack, frozen peas… whatever is available really) with one of the suggestions below!

ii. Cortisone Cream – This foam is a topical alleviant to allergic reactions and tin assist in mild cases involving lash extensions and adhesive. If your client notices irritation, redness, and/or discomfort, suggest they employ a small-scale amount of cortisone cream to relieve the symptoms. This foam can be purchased over the counter.

3. Benadryl – Benadryl is the bomb-dot-com when it comes to clients with agglutinative sensitivity. It won't cure someone'due south allergy to eyelash extension glue (unfortunately zero will) just it will help to ease the sensitivity to chemicals present during/immediately after the lash appointment. After a short amount of fourth dimension, the irritating chemical is no longer present.  If a client calls after their date with irritation, redness, and/or swelling effectually the lash line, Benadryl is a quick alleviant. Information technology may too help them determine whether or not their sensitivity is severe. Suggest they take a modest amount and monitor their symptoms over the next 48 hours. I've even had clients who know they accept a mild allergy to eyelash extension glue; to prep for their appointment, they take Benadryl earlier they come in. Those client'southward ever seem to take the best lash naps…hmmm.

iv. Urgent Care – Only mild symptoms can exist treated at home and in some rare situations, it may exist best that the client drop in to an urgent care or medical professional person to determine whether or not they should have the lash extensions removed. They may even want to skip this pace to save a coupe dollars, in which case you should suggest the customer come up in for a (complimentary) lash removal! During the removal, you lot tin hash out with the client if lashes are right for them and whether or not they would like to try a sensitive adhesive (if not already used).

Minimizing the Possibility of Reaction to Eyelash Extension Gum

If a customer is prone to sensitivity to products or adhesive, there are a few things you can do:

i. Try Sensitive Agglutinative– Sensitive adhesive is a not bad option for clients with sensitivity. What do I mean by "sensitivity"? Ask your clients those 4 questions from earlier. If they say "yes" to 2 or less of the questions, information technology is probable sensitivity. Try The Lash Professional person'southward N5 Sensitive Eyelash Mucilage – it works wonders! If they answer "yep" to more 2 of the questions I would suggest you to tread lightly. Continuing to lash on a client who has persistent and uncontrollable reactions could crusade permanent damage to the client's lashes or even EYE! Suggest they try a "no lash" look (lol).

ii. Ditch the Primer– Sometimes, oh so rare, just SOMETIMES… the client doesn't have a Glue allergy at all! There are other products we use that have chemicals in them, even some natural ingredients that clients may not tolerate well. Try to replace those products with alternatives. For instance, rather than using a primer on your sensitive customer, wash their lashes earlier each appointment. It will, essentially, attain the same thing, and may fix the problem!

three. Shorten the Fill up Times – Suggest the client comes every week for a shorter fill rather than every ii or three. The least amount of time as possible subjected to the fumes of the adhesive, the meliorate! Cutting downwards the lash make full time will cut down the chances of sensitivity and reaction!

4. Fan the Lashes – If a shorter fill time doesn't do the trick and your clients are still experiencing mild discomfort (a.k.a. their eyes are watering) endeavour using a fan! As stated in a higher place (and in our web log on Eyelash Extension Mucilage Ingredients), there is a chemical present in adhesive during/immediately subsequently lashing. That chemic goes away one time the adhesive cures (no more than 24 hours). For clients who are sensitive to the chemical, it may exist a adept idea to use a fan throughout the appointment. Doing so will proceed the fumes of the chemical from lingering around and causing your customer discomfort. Attempt using the fan for a few minutes after the appointment. This will ensure those fumes are as good equally gone.


Avoiding the Possibility of Reaction to Eyelash Extension Gum

How tin can we minimize the possibility of reactions, birthday?  Ensure our clients are educated, prepared, and comfortable at all times! Start with a waiver. Yous demand-need-need to protect yourself and your business, but most chiefly you need to protect your clients. How, yous ask? By reading a thorough waiver they will be made aware of all the risks (and how to avoid them), ingredients, and aftercare instructions.

So, what should your waiver include?

  • Name, Engagement, Contact (Duh!)
  • Ingredients and Products Used
  • Appointment Process
  • Contraindications of Appointment
  • Possible Side Effects or Reactions
  • Thorough Aftercare Instructions
  • Signature and Date (This part is a MUST)

Ensure each client signs one of these waivers and so you feel confident and comfortable lashing on them! It doesn't hurt to take it a step further. Go over a few of these points during the appointment or ask if they have any questions. This way you are POSITIVE they sympathize.

You won't e'er be able to avoid reactions, but you should know how to treat allergic reactions to lash extension gum! Always remember to stay calm and professional, and if their reaction is astringent E'er recommend they see a medical professional.



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